How to Get a Free USA Phone Number from Pakistan

In our interconnected world, having a USA phone number is no longer just a convenience; it’s often a necessity for online businesses, remote work, and personal communication. If you’re located in Pakistan but need a USA phone number, you’re in the right place.

How to Get a Free USA Phone Number

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to obtain a free USA phone number that you can use for a variety of purposes, including international calls and verifications.

  1. Sign Up with BrowserStack

BrowserStack is a cloud web and mobile testing platform that offers access to various devices and browsers around the world. To start, you’ll need to create an account. The free plan gives you limited access, but the paid plans come with some fantastic features, including virtual phone numbers from multiple countries.

  1. Select a Paid Plan

Once you’ve signed up for BrowserStack and accessed your dashboard, you’ll be able to upgrade to a paid plan. The Live and Automate plans are the ones that will give you access to virtual numbers for phone verification.

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  1. Choose the Location

After selecting your plan, browse through the list of locations and choose the USA. With the paid plan, you’ll have access to more than 100+ numbers for OTP verifications, including numbers from the USA, India, and Ireland.

  1. Session On A Real Device

Once you’ve chosen the USA as the location, proceed to initiate a new session on a real device to start using your new virtual number. The device screen will be displayed right in your browser, making it feel like the device is right in front of you.

  1. Receive the Verification Code

With the virtual USA phone number set up on the BrowserStack device, proceed to the app or service where you want to receive the verification code. You can use it for apps, websites, or services that require a USA number for verification purposes.

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  1. Enter the Verification Code

As the OTP is sent to your virtual number, it will appear in your BrowserStack session with the corresponding device for you to enter into the application or website that’s requesting it. Once you input the code, you’re good to go!

This process can be repeated as many times as you need, as BrowserStack’s virtual numbers stay valid for a while. It’s crucial to remember not to use the free number for anything illegal or unsolicited communications to avoid any issues. Enjoy your free USA phone number, and make the most of your digital connections!

How to Get BrowserStack in Cheap?

Despite the listed paid plan on BrowserStack including a price of $40 per month, I offer an exclusive deal where you can access these services at a significantly cheaper rate. By contacting me directly, you can secure this plan for an entire year at just $20.

This unique offer presents a substantial saving, allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of a USA phone number for a fraction of the cost. Don’t miss out on this opportunity — get in touch today to take advantage of this offer.


In conclusion, obtaining a free USA phone number from Pakistan is not only possible but straightforward with services like BrowserStack. Whether it’s for business, remote work, or personal use, following the steps outlined above will provide you with a virtual USA phone number, enhancing your digital communication capabilities.

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